The global spice trade in Asia through the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean which connects major continents (Asia, Africa, Europe), has left significant traces of civilization. In the course of history, Indonesia has played a significant role in the world economy due to its strategic position in one of the busiest maritime routes in the world. Its strategic location connects East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East to Europe. Southeast Asia is also the source of sought-after and most valuable commodity: spices. It is estimated that in the course of time and on a worldwide scale, 400-500 plant species have been used as spice. For Southeast Asia, the number is close to 275 species (Prosea, 1999). No commodity has played a more pivotal role in the development of modern civilization than the spices (Parry, 1969; Rosengarten, 1973). So indispensable were spices, it had influenced the world’s politics, economy, and culture. Inevitably, heavy traffic from East Asia, South Asia, Middle East, Europe, and vice versa crossing Southeast Asia archipelago, or so-called the Spice Route, has transformed into a means of cultural exchange and intercultural understanding that brought together various ideas, concepts, knowledge, and experience, between people across nations.
11 Nov 2023
3 Nov 2023
1 Nov 2023