Sharing Ideas, Knowledge, and Learning Experience
Rooted in a passion for preserving Indonesia's cultural tapestry, the Negeri Rempah Foundation, a community-based non-profit organization established in 2018, empowers communities to embrace their rich heritage through diverse educational and cultural initiatives. Born from a group of volunteers' shared concern about the waning interest among Indonesian youth in their history, the Negeri Rempah Foundation's journey began in 2012 with the organization of cultural trips exploring various themes, including the spice trade's profound impact on Indonesia's history. As the community's passion grew, the foundation was established to ensure the sustainability of these impactful programs. Today, the Negeri Rempah Foundation stands as a beacon of cultural preservation, offering a comprehensive range of public learning and cultural programs designed to foster a deeper appreciation for Indonesia's diverse heritage.
The Negeri Rempah Foundation aims to foster intercultural learning and understanding through cross-sectoral collaborative participation in both local and global contexts. It does this by recognizing the spice trade as a unique contextual perspective that can help people to understand how different cultures have interacted and influenced each other throughout history. The foundation brings together experts, professionals, and communities from diverse backgrounds to share and exchange their knowledge and experience. The foundation aims to increase public awareness of the spice trade's role in shaping modern civilization through its programs. The Negeri Rempah Foundation has a wide range of learning activities programs, culture, arts, and business, all aimed at the general public. These programs include exhibitions, discussions/sharing sessions, workshops, book publishing, festivals, cultural expeditions, and art and culture collaborations. Our foundation's success is fueled by the passion and dedication of volunteers and part-time workers from diverse backgrounds.